Sunday, November 17, 2019

Competing Political Interests And Poverty Reduction Essay

Competing Political Interests And Poverty Reduction - Essay Example It can negatively affect the progress of the nation itself. â€Å"Poverty is produced by circumstances, not individuals,† (Fincher & Wulff, 1998). Economic crisis increases the so-called ‘poverty sector’, leading to joblessness and social unrest. A proper planning and a better utilization of the available resources of the nation will lessen the poverty level to a great extent (Narayan & Parker, 2000). Diverting the existing resource to the disadvantaged people is the need of the hour. Every nation needs a proper governing authority to plan, accomplish and accelerate its growth. In developing countries especially, governments and political parties lead the show and try to bring progress to the society and stability to the economy by eliminating the curses like poverty. The ruling party and other political parties try to uplift the general status of the society and go deep into the problems and grievances of the people to a certain extent. Even though they do have o pinion disputes and conflicts among them, they contribute a lot for the progress of the society and nation (especially rural areas where poverty is still a problem) (Pantazis, Gordon & Levitas, 2006). Political interests and competitions play a major role in eliminating poverty from the nations. In the third world countries especially, political parties contribute a lot to the development works. Political parties try to perform well during their ruling tenure and take various actions for the negatively privileged sections of the society. They try to look into the agonies of the people of ill-developed areas since such areas have the majority of the population in it. These less developed areas would be eagerly looking forward to a government which can help them to improve their total grade. No political party can ever think of getting the rule in their hand without the votes of these majority weaker sections.

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