Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What problems doReverbyand Olson see for nursi Essays - Health

What problems doReverbyand Olson see for nursing today and how do they suggest that these dilemmas be resolved? Do you think nursing is a profession or a craft? Be sure you use Olson's definitions of these terms and look them up if that will help. The word "profession" has specific meanings - it's not just any occupation. So we are looking at nursing history in 2 ways, in effect - at how nursing develops over time in the US (at the actual events and the time periods in which they occurred), and at theories and ideas about the "why" of nursing history - this is the explanation (causation) part. CARING: Let's start our discussion ofReverbywith your thoughts on "caring" - what does it mean to you? ToReverby? Does your opinion change after readingReverby's discussion of caring in her introduction?Reverbyhints: Basically,Reverbyis an overview of nursing history in the US to 1945, and she discusses the topic of caring. (Ordered to Care). This is a very important concept. You'll want to focus in on her Introduction to be sure you get her ideas about caring. She also focuses on nursing's development as women's work. This is critical. Watch for and highlight instances where she discusses these as you read.Reverbyis concerned about the issue of caring as something that is expected of women and how that impacts our expectations for nurses even today. Think of gender stereotypes - women are supposed to be caring, right? Gender for this class means stereotypes of women's work - roles expected of women What does Olson think about nursing history and what he calls "theprofessionalizationframework"? Olson hints: Olson on the other hand is coming to nursing history with the idea that it has been done incorrectly - that it is too focused on elite nurses (the well educated supervisors and leaders) rather than on the working nurses. Read him carefully - look upReverbyin his index and read his comments about her in the first chapter or two - what is he saying about her? What does he say about caring and how does he compare toReverbyin that? Test Prep:As you readReverby Olson,mark passagesthat have to do with the topics up for discussion here - you will want to use those passages and quotes (with page numbers) from the books when you take a quiz on the books. Having your bookspre-marked will be a big help to you later. Either mark passages with a pencil or use post-it notes so you can find the best quotes that relate to the topics discussed here. When reading the books:Think about issues of gender, power, class (elite nurses vs. bedside nurses, the class - economic status - of women who become nurses), nursing education, and the question "what is a nurse?" Who decides what a nurse is, who defines nursing? Nursing education - how much (and what kind?) does a nurse need?; gender class issues in nursing history E-mail me with questions, or post them on Group Discussion

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