Thursday, December 19, 2019

Analysis Of George Orwell s Such Many Were The Joys

For many people, school will play a significant role in their lives. From early childhood to adolescence, school is an institution where young people are taught technical skills like reading and math, as well as a place where they learn about morals and develop an understanding of the world around them. The ultimate goal of school is to prepare students to effectively navigate society as an adult. In order to achieve this, somes schools enforce strict rules and disciplinary actions, while others emphasize creativity and free thinking. For canonical science fiction writer George Orwell, his school experience was extremely rigorous and stern. In the essay â€Å"Such, Such Were the Joys† (1952), Orwell delves into his experience as a poor boy at an elite British preparatory school called St. Cyprian s. Between the ages of eight and thirteen, he was subjected to poor living conditions, verbal abuse, and physical abuse from teachers, all in the name of making him into a rich, smar t, and successful adult. However, the essay often questions the reliability of those methods. By using pathos and irony to appeal to his audience, Orwell argues that the school system is inherently absurd because it fails to prepare children for the intricacies of life after formal education. In order to keep the reader engaged with his essay, Orwell uses his past to create situations where the reader empathizes with his younger self. He does this by making sure to stress the emotions he felt during hisShow MoreRelatedReview Of George Orwell s The Road 1923 Words   |  8 PagesReview on George Orwell – The Road to Wigan Pier Course – BA Hons (With foundation) Community studies. 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