Friday, December 27, 2019

Special Education Philosophy Paper - 2449 Words

Describe own special educational philosophy in terms of its metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic. My Philosophy of Special Education is that special education is teaching children who have special needs, which can interfere with their learning abilities. I believe special education compared to general education is merely an extension of services in helping all children learn. Learning is a process through which we increase our knowledge as a result of the experiences in our lives. We learn through what we are exposed to and what we try to imitate. It is a process of discovery. The environment in which we live stimulates our brains to make connections of neurons to continually build upon throughout our lives. Imitation is†¦show more content†¦141). An ice – skater who has a positive experience when beginning to skate will build structures as a skater. But, someone who has negative experience while trying to skate for the first time will not develop any structures related to skating. Essentially, if a teacher is going to be successful and learning is going to take place, positive structures should be developed. A good way to develop these structures would be to follow Mamary’s four principles for a quality classroom: 1. Classrooms in which â€Å"fear of failure† does not exist. 2. Classrooms in which â€Å"fear of rejection† does not exist. 3. Classrooms in which all â€Å"uncaring practices† are removed. 4. Classrooms in which â€Å"mindless activities† do not exist. If â€Å"fear of failure† does not exist, students will be more persistent and willing to discover things for themselves. And, as I said earlier, a very important part of learning is discovering. Students who don’t feel rejected will be more outgoing and not afraid to ask questions. When students don’t feel comfortable in their environment, they withdraw from the situation and shut down. On the other hand, if they feel comfortable in their environment, they participate in class discussions and associate learning with a positive structure. If the students know the teacher cares about them, they will be more apt to do their best, if not for themselves, to impress the teacher. And the end result is likely that they will decide that they loveShow MoreRelatedIntroduction. In Their 1995 Book Tinkering Toward Utopia:1740 Words   |  7 Pagessuit. By the early twentieth century, special schools were developed for retarded children to provide them with opportunities for intellectual growth equal to those of their peers. As the twentieth century wore on and racial segregation waned, culminating in Brown v. Board of Education, education came to be viewed as a right for all children. The 1970’s brought radical reform to special education. 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